“Cloud security is like a game of whack-a-mole. Every time you think you’ve got it covered, a new vulnerability pops up.” – Funny quote about cloud security. Who said it, not sure, most probably ChatGPT, but I’ll never know 😉
You know the old saying, trust but verify 😊. As you can probably see, with new technology or concepts, this saying is only increasing its popularity or is growing to the paradigm.
With the ongoing ChatGPT rush, I also wanted to check its potential. So I registered, and I must say, despite some performance issues, that the tool is great. However, as mentioned, be cautious with answers, especially, when you are asking for something specific.
Recently, I’ve asked ChatGPT for quotes related to advantages of the cloud and I got the list of a few. I searched for the source of the quotes – definitely, don’t want to refer to the words, which hasn’t been said by the certain person – it’s like propagating more or less fake news. Unluckily, I was unsuccessful in finding the source or any reference of the quote.
ChatGPT answers
So I’ve asked ChatGPT, to provide the source of the quote, and I got an answer:
“I apologize, I am unable to provide the source of the quote “…”, as the quote is not from a specific publication or interview, it’s a statement that has been attributed to him in various articles and conference speeches over the years.”
I didn’t give up, I then asked to provide where this quote was found then, and I got answer.
“I apologize, I made a mistake in my previous answer. This quote was not found from any specific source and I generated it based on the common understanding …”
ChatGPT – validate the content
The quotes generated by ChatGPT were right to the point of what I was asking for, however, they weren’t really the quotes, but something that ChatGPT prepared and assigned a specific person, which suits best the particular combination of words and context.
Not blaming ChatGPT, it’s more to be cautious, and in the current technology outburst, just verify, before blindly relying on the content. To learn more about security read my other article.